Websites en Mobile in Africa

Een leuk stukje onderzoek van Opera dat Africa vanuit een IT perspectief in beeld brengt. Kijk vooral op de link naar prachtige internactieve kaarten.

Summary of the summary:

In Africa, internet history is still in the early years. But, it’s certainly happening at a lightning pace. Every day, a large number of new users are getting online for the first time, to read news, educate themselves or just to relax and have some fun. What sites are popular on the African continent?

What devices are used to access these sites? In this edition of the State of the Mobile Web report, we give you a snapshot of the Opera Mini usage pattern in Africa.

  1. The top place in each country, for most-visited domains, is almost exclusively reserved for Facebook or Google. Facebook is four times as prevalent in the top spot of most accessed domain for African Opera Mini users, with 41 top placements, compared to Google’s 9 places.
  2. Other international domains, including Wikipedia, Yahoo! and YouTube, are also up there in the top-ten lists of African Opera Mini users.
  3. Local websites are, to a lesser degree, represented in the top-ten lists for each country. A closer look at these sites shows some interesting differences in the various countries. For example, Botswana has educational sites such as Botswana Educational Council very highly ranked, presumably to check enrollment and grades. Other countries, one being Libya, have local lifestyle sites like Sedty high on the most-visited lists.
  4. The country with most local websites in the top-ten list is Zimbabwe, with four out of the ten spots being local sites, with national top-level-domains. Newsday, a news site, leads the pack in Zimbabwe